
fuck fuck fuck... fuck

I am pretty sure that the three English words that I have use the most are "fuck", "you" and "the". In the video I show a representation of the two first... the movie Scarface reduced to its essence. I also recommend to see the complete movie... that tells the story of how Tony Montana becomes a rich a powerful man - Scarface en España se tradujo como El precio del poder

 Do not miss the 00:51, for me the part that give sense to the video...

1 comment:

Miss Amanda Jones said...

No sé si has visto "The 25th hour" -en español "La última noche"-, un peliculón con mucha enjundia y escenas tan grandes como esta:


...dentro de la película tiene todo el sentido. Y fuera, pues a los amantes del FY supongo que os encantará! :D